Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 52
Multicriteria assessment of water dynamics reveals subcatchment variability in a seemingly homogeneous tropical cloud forest catchment
To improve the current knowledge of the rainfall–runoff phenomena of tropical montane catchments, we explored the usefulness of several hydrological indicators on a nested cloud forest catchment (76.9 km2). The used metrics ...
Terracing increases soil available water to plants in no-tillage
(Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2022)
Check dams and afforestation reducing sediment mobilization in active gully systems in the Andean mountains
Gully erosion is an important process of land degradation in mountainous regions, and is known to be one of the major sediment sources in eroded catchments. Recent studies have suggested that living and dead vegetation ...
data descriptor: high-resolution hydrometeorological data from a network of headwater catchments in the tropical andes
This article presents a hydrometeorological dataset from a network of paired instrumented catchments, obtained by participatory monitoring through a partnership of academic and non-governmental institutions. The network ...
Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 1: Field data analysis
Flood peak data for focus catchments in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina are analyzed to test the hypothesis that, as the size of the hydrological event increases, the effect of forest cover on the peak discharge ...
Impacts of land use on the hydrological response of tropical Andean catchments
Changes in land use and land cover are major drivers of hydrological alteration in the tropical Andes. However, quantifying their impacts is fraught with difficulties because of the extreme diversity in meteorological ...
The carbon budget of a large catchment in the Argentine Pampa plain through hydrochemical modeling
(Elsevier, 2014-06)
Mar Chiquita is a coastal lagoon located in the Argentine Buenos Aires province in South America. The aim of this study is to estimate the annual contribution of inland waters to the carbon cycle in this lagoon?s catchment ...
First record of jupiaba acanthogaster (Eigenmann, 1911) (ostariophysi, characidae) in the upper paraná river basin, Brazil
Jupiaba Zanata, 1997 is a genus with small species within Characidae, identified by a pair of modified bones in the form of spines just anteriorly to pelvic-fin base. The genus is mostly distributed throughout the Amazon ...
Managing runoff in rainfed agriculture under no-till system: potential for improving crop production
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2022)