Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 281
Modelo computacional da usina experimental fotovoltaica Tesla utilizando o software PVsyst
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICACurso de Especialização em Fontes Renováveis: Geração, Operação e IntegraçãoUFMG, 2019-11-29)
The search for new renewable clean energy has been agenda for agreements between world
power nations and seeking for research around the world. Although Brazil is one of the countries
that have more share of renewable ...
Estudo sobre eficiência energética e aproveitamento de energia solar no edifício acadêmico II do Campus Baixada Santista da Unifesp
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-07-28)
A questão energética é fator primordial para garantia de segurança pública, do
atendimento e cuidado à saúde, da educação, da produção e distribuição de alimentos, de acesso
à cultura e entretenimento e conforto ambiental, ...
Dimensionamiento de un sistema eléctrico fotovoltaico aislado con PVSYST 6.7 en el Centro Poblado Boca Chinganaza en Condorcanqui-Amazonas
(Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz GalloPE, 2020-10-07)
El objetivo general de la presente tesis fue: Dimensionar un sistema eléctrico fotovoltaico aislado con el software PVSYST 6.7 en el centro poblado Boca Chinganaza en Condorcanqui perteneciente al departamento de Amazonas. ...
Diseño de una Central Fotovoltaica de 1MW en el Cantón Zapotillo Utilizando el Software PVsyst.
(Loja: Universidad Nacional de Loja., 2019)
Implementación de un Sistema Fotovoltaico de 600w para alimentación del laboratorio de metrología
In general, people believe that renewable energies focus on the study of solar radiation in photovoltaic solar panels, however, in our project we have made a hybrid system, its most important function is to capture different ...
Análisis y diseño fotovoltaico para un sistema de riego ubicado en el cantón Mocache
In the course of the execution of the project prior to the degree qualification, the problem that exists in the community was defined and to cover the needs that the community members who live in these areas of little ...
Implementación de un sistema fotovoltaico para residencias, en la comuna masa 2
The proposal that is projected in this degree work was carried out in the Gulf of Guayaquil, in the Commune of Masa 2, an independent photovoltaic system was designed and implemented for a home, to charge mobile devices ...
Análisis de factiblidad de un sistema fotovoltaico aislado en zonas remotas para vivienda en el Golfo de Guayaquil
The realization of this project will help sustainable development based on good living for communities located in remote areas. During the analysis of the project, it was focused on helping the community in the development ...
Diseñar e implementar un sistema de energías renovables (fotovoltaico) para moradores de zona rural en golfo de Guayaquil
The design of the renewable energy system (photovoltaic) for residents of rural areas in the Gulf of Guayaquil, was carried out with the purpose of providing this basic service, seeing the need of the sector and at the ...
Análisis y diseño de un sistema fotovoltaico aislado para alimentación automática AQ1 SYSTEM en la industria de cultivo acuícola
The main objective of this work is to design an isolated photovoltaic system for automatic feeders AQ1 SYSTEM through calculations and simulation in the PVSYST 7.2 software, considering the elements of the isolated ...