Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 49
Virulence characterization and identification of maize lines resistant to Puccinia sorghi Schwein. Present in the argentine corn belt region
Puccinia sorghi Schwein., the causal agent of maize common rust, is an endemic disease in the Argentine Corn Belt region. Virulence surveys of the pathogen population within the region have not been performed; thus, the ...
Control químico de Puccinia glumarum (Erlk y Henn) en trigo
(Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica y Medicina Veterinaria, 1965. 75 p., 2015)
Occurrence of the complete cycle of Puccinia sorghi Schw. in Argentina and implications on the common corn rust epidemiology
(Springer, 2018-12)
The life-cycle of Puccinia sorghi, a heteroecious fungus, consists of five well-defined spore stages. The uredinial and telial stages are completed on the primary host (maize) whereas spermagonial and aecial stages occur ...
Combined linkage and association mapping reveal QTL for host plant resistance to common rust (Puccinia sorghi) in tropical maize
(BMC (part of Springer Nature)BioMed Central, 2018)
(Ministry of Culture, Information and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013)
Evaluacion de la viabilidad de la esporas de Puccinia sorghi sobre rastrojos de hojas de maiz dulce.
(Universidad de Talca (Chile). Escuela de Agronomía., 2006)
Breeding materials from international centers for breeding new varieties of wheat in the central Asian regionСЕЛЕКЦИОННЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ НОВЫХ СОРТОВ ПШЕНИЦЫ В РЕГИОНЕ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ
(Ministry of Culture, Information and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013)
Shuttle breeding between Mexico and Kazakhstan: results, refinements and prospectsЧЕЛНОЧНАЯ СЕЛЕКЦИЯ МЕЖДУ МЕКСИКОЙ И КАЗАХСТАНОМ: РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ, ПОДРОБНОСТИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ
(Ministry of Culture, Information and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013)