Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 59
Análisis de la estrategia discursiva de Hugo Chávez de cara a la creación del PSUV
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2008)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of President Hugo Chavez‘s speech before the creation of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, PSUV. Such speech gains relevance because of the historical ...
Análisis de la estrategia discursiva de Hugo Chávez de cara a la creación del PSUV
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2008)
Legitimidad en Venezuela
(Diario La Voz, 2020)
El Partido Socialista Unido y el Socialismo del siglo XXI
(Editorial Alfa y FACES-UCV, 2017)
Las elecciones del 26 de septiembre. El caso del PSUV en el Zulia
(Universidad del Zulia, 2011)
From Chavismo to a democratic left in Venezuela
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2014-12)
Venezuela’s political institutions have mutated from a subsidised coalition that almost privatised the oil industry to a populist nationalism that is polarising society to the brink of civil war. In this paper, I examine ...
From Chavismo to a democratic left in Venezuela
(School of Business and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2014-12)
Venezuela’s political institutions have mutated from a subsidised coalition that almost privatised the oil industry to a populist nationalism that is polarising society to the brink of civil war. In this paper, I examine ...
Les Relations de pouvoir entre l´Etat et la société civile dans la Venezuela revolutionnaire
L’objetdecetarticleestd’expliquerlesrelationsdepouvoir existantes actuellement entre l’État et la société civile2 au Venezuela. L’État constitue ici un élément d’analyse politique, et servira à questionner la nature du ...
Los militares y el deterioro democrático en Venezuela
Abstract Almost two decades of the Bolivarian Revolution brought significant changes, due to military participation in the political and economic life of Venezuela. From the literature review on praetorianism in Venezuela, ...