Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1371
Los deportes extremos en el Azuay. Elaboración de una guía turística
This research work makes available detailed and complete information about the
adventure tourism in Azuay, places where every extreme sport can be carried out,
approximate costs of each of the activities, directions and ...
Evaluación del impacto socioeconómico del microcrédito en la zona oriental de la provincia del Azuay
This research is linked to a study on the impact of microcredit on the economy of the eastern province of Azuay, in which variables are considered factors and quantitative information to establish more consistent across ...
Diseño de paquetes turísticos para personas con movilidad restringida en la provincia del Azuay
This research work presents the design and proposal of tourist packages for people with restricted mobility in wheelchair in the province of the Azuay, since it is important to mention that tourism for disabled people is ...
Análisis de las estrategias competitivas que utilizan las pequeñas panaderías de la provincia del Azuay (MIPRO). Propuesta de un plan de mejora competitiva que permita el incremento de la productividad y competitividad para las pequeñas panaderías inscritas en el MIPRO de la provincia del Azuay
The main problem in the bakeries registered in the MIPRO of the province of Azuay is the lack of competitive strategies. For this reason, the main objective has been the "Analysis of the competitive strategies used by the ...
Determinación de costos en el proceso de logística inversa en el sector de comercialización de neumáticos en la provincia del Azuay
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-11-28)
This current research project analyses the reverse logistics process in the tire marketing sector of the Azuay province. The research starts with a study of the field by applied surveys to the tires consumers in the Azuay ...
Análisis del proceso de evaluación psicológica en los Departamentos de Consejería Estudiantil de la provincia del Azuay
The situation of the Student Counseling Departments in the Province of Azuay is not very clear due to the lack of descriptive or evaluative studies that can offer the necessary guidelines in order to intervene or implement ...
Suicidio; prevalencia del suicidio y sus métodos más utilizados en la provincia del Azuay entre enero de 1997 a Mayo del 2001
Suicide is a social probem, which goes hand in hand with global development, affecting more frequently young people, between 15 and 24 years old. The main objective of this study is to indentificar the prevalence of suicide ...