Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36
Hiperaldosteronismo primario
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2008)
Hiperaldosteronismo primario y embarazo: Lecciones obtenidas de 2 casos clínicos
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2002)
Partial laparoscopic adrenalectomy in primary hyperaldosteronism
Introduction: Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the few potentially curable causes
of secondary arterial hypertension. One of the most important variants is the adenoma of
the adrenal cortex that produces aldosterona ...
Exceso de mineralocorticoides en hipertensos esenciales: enfoque clínico-diagnóstico
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2000)
Serum 18-hydroxycortisol in primary aldosteronism, hypertension, and normotensives
This study reports the determination of plasma 18-hydroxycortisol (18-OHF) using a new and easy enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method in primary aldosteronism and compares the values found in essential hypertensives ...
Feline Primary Hyperaldosteronism: An Emerging Endocrine DiseaseHiperaldosteronismo Primário Felino: Uma Enfermidade Endócrina Emergente
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
Extensive personal experience - Increased diagnosis of primary aldosteronism, including surgically correctable forms, in centers from five continents
Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common form of endocrine hypertension previously believed to account for less than 1% of hypertensive patients. Hypokalemia was considered a prerequisite for pursuing diagnostic tests for ...
Comparison of confirmatory tests for the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism
Context: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most frequent form of secondary hypertension, accounting for up to 5-10% of all hypertensive patients, and the diagnosis of PA can present an important challenge for the clinician. ...