Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 120
Irrigation canals from the Calchaqui valley (province of Salta, Argentina)
(Elsevier, 2019-10)
The archaeological site of Las Pailas, located in the north of the Calchaquí valley (province of Salta, Argentina), is one of the largest agricultural areas developed in the region during the Late Period (900–1430 CE) and ...
Vernacular architecture and cultural landscapes in the Sondondo valley (Perú)
(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote SensingCH, 2023)
Museo Interactivo de Lima prehispánica
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-07-17)
El presente trabajo explica el desarrollo, desde su planteamiento, de un Museo Interactivo ubicado en el distrito de Cercado de Lima. La ubicación del proyecto fue elegida en una zona que mantiene varios restos arqueológicos, ...
Architecture and sacred landscape in pre-hispanic peru: A comparative approach from a gis perspective
(Springer NaturePE, 2021)
One of the most relevant characteristics of the “landscape-friendly societies” is their ability to recognize aesthetic attributes to portions of the territory that exceed their functional purpose. In ancient Peru, there ...
The East Square of Cancun: A public and ritual space within a commercial cityLa Plaza Este de Cancuen: Un espacio público y de ritual dentro de una ciudad comercial
(Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 2022)
Más allá de la estética: Jorge Eduardo Eielson frente al legado prehispánicoBeyond aesthetics: Jorge Eielson against the pre-hispanic legacy
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2018)
Más allá de la estética: Jorge Eduardo Eielson frente al legado prehispánicoBeyond aesthetics: Jorge Eielson against the pre-hispanic legacy
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2018)
Archeoarchitecture: Essential theoretical definitions Arqueoarquitectura: Definiciones teóricas esenciales
(Universidad Diego Portales, 2012)
Since the late XX century, a real connection between architecture and archeology has been taking form in Europe generating an analytic interdisciplinary approach concerning the ancient constructions. On the other hand, ...
Pre-Hispanic earthwork engineering variability in the Upper Delta of the Paraná River. A comparative study between Los Tres Cerros mounds (Entre Ríos province, Argentina)
(Elsevier, 2017-06)
Earthworks are one of the most distinctive archaeological features in the wetland landscapes of South America. Herein, we provide a case study from one of the southernmost expressions of this earthworking phenomenon, the ...