Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 469
The efect of ICT and higher‑order capabilities on the performance of Ibero‑American SMEs
(Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2022)
PLS-SEM in business promotion strategies. A multigroup analysis of mobile coupon users using MICOM
Purpose The development of Information Systems (IS) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is offering new opportunities for businesses to implement promotion strategies focused on customer attraction and ...
The influence of quality on satisfaction and customer loyalty with an importance-performance map analysis: Exploring the mediating role of trust
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018)
Actitud, satisfacción y lealtad de los clientes en las Cajas Municipales del Perú
El propósito del estudio fue extender el modelo SERVQUAL adicionando la actitud del cliente a las tres principales
dimensiones como componentes de la medición de la calidad del servicio e investigar la influencia en la ...
Attitude, satisfaction and loyalty of customers in Municipal Savings Banks of PeruActitud, satisfacción y lealtad de los clientes en las Cajas Municipales del Perú
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2020)
e-Banking Adoption: An Opportunity for Customer Value Co-creation
The development of information and communication technologies offers innovative opportunities to establish business strategies focused on customer value co-creation. This situation is especially notable in the banking ...
Análise de falha em materiais metálicos: uma abordagem complexa utilizando PLS-SEM
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosEngenharia Mecânica - EMec, 2020-12-15)
Metallic materials may fail due to several reasons and at different ways. In general, it is common to be verified overload (ductile or fragile) or fatigue. These failures always let evidences that can explain their natures ...