Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 130
Using a Multistructural Object-Based LiDAR Approach to Estimate Vascular Plant Richness in Mediterranean Forests With Complex Structure
(IEEE, 2015)
A multistructural object-based LiDAR approach to predict plant richness in complex structure forests is presented. A normalized LiDAR point cloud was split into four height ranges: 1) high canopies (points above 16 m); 2) ...
Diseño de un sistema de impulsión de solución rica de lixiviación (PLS) para reducir el consumo eléctrico en superficies de terreno ascendentes y descendentes
(Universidad Nacional de IngenieríaPE, 2023)
Disturbance alters relationships between soil carbon pools and aboveground vegetation attributes in an anthropogenic peatland in Patagonia
(Wiley, 2022)
Anthropogenic-based disturbances may alter peatland soil-plant causal associations and their ability to sequester carbon. Likewise, it is unclear how the vegetation attributes are linked with different soil C decomposition-based ...
Using aboveground vegetation attributes as proxies for mapping peatland belowground carbon stocks
(Elsevier, 2019)
Peatlands are key reservoirs of belowground carbon (C) and their monitoring is important to assess the rapid changes in the C cycle caused by climate change and direct anthropogenic impacts. Frequently, information of ...
Environmental firms' better attitude towards nature in the context of corporate compliance
The recent publishing of the Criminal Code Reform, known as the Corporate Governance Code and by which companies are prosecuted for the crimes they have committed, is contributing towards improving the management of companies ...
Precisión en la recuperación de parámetros, con datos ordinales, en el Análisis de Estructura de Covarianza y el Modelo de Rutas mediante Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales
Se compara la precisión en la recuperación de parámetros del Análisis de Estructura de Covarianza (ACOV) y el Modelo de Rutas mediante Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS-PM), en un modelo simple con variables manifiestas ...