Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
Comunidade microbiana do solo e atividade enzimática em um latossolo subtropical sob plantio direto de longa duração e rotação de culturas
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do SoloCentro de Ciências Rurais, 2018-04-27)
The development and selection of agricultural practices are one of the main challenges for the sustainability of agroecosystems in response to the increased demand for food. Thus, mediate agricultural practices based on ...
Crop rotation and seasonal effects on fatty acid profiles of neutral and phospholipids extracted from no-till agricultural soils
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2015-03)
Analysis of phospholipids (PLFA) and neutral lipids fatty acids (NLFA) was used to characterize no-till productive agricultural soils associated with different crop rotation levels, replicated across a 400 km transect in ...
Response of soil microbial communities to different management practices in surface soils of a soybean agroecosystem in Argentina
(Elsevier France-editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2011-12)
Argentina is the world’s third most important soybean producer; hence, there is an urgent need to preserve soil health by applying appropriate agricultural practices to maintain sustainable production in the upcoming years. ...
Analysis of Soil Lipids for Studies of Microbial Communities
(Scientia Ricerca, 2017-10)
Lipids are a heterogenic group of natural chemical compounds, having in common low solubility in polar solvents and high in nonpolarsolvents. This definition includes steroids, carotenoids, terpenes and biliar acids. But ...
Impact of N-fertilization and peanut shell biochar on soil microbial community structure and enzyme activities in a Typic Haplustoll under different management practices
(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2021-05)
The application of biochar with N-fertilizer is one of the most attractive practices for increasing soil quality and fertility. However, few studies have examined the combined effects of peanut biochar and urea on soil ...
Effects of tannery sludge application on physiological and fatty acid profiles of the soil microbial community
The impact of tannery sludge application on soil microbial community and diversity is poorly understood. We studied the microbial community in an agricultural soil following two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery ...
Mycorrhizal fungal biomass and scavenging declines in phosphorus-impoverished soils during ecosystem retrogression
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-01)
Mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant phosphorus (P) acquisition via their extraradical hyphae (ERH) that scavenge nutrients outside root depletion zones. While soil P availability declines during ecosystem retrogression, how ...
Soil microbiological and biochemical changes as a consequence of land management and water erosion in a semiarid environment
(Taylor and Francis, 2019-07)
Three sites were selected for the present study: native forest (FR), anagricultural land subjected to minimum water erosion by terracing farming (ARMN), and an agricultural land subjected to moderate water erosion without ...
Integrated multivariate analysis of selected soil microbial properties and their relationships with mineral fertilization management in a conservation agriculture system
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-08)
The effect of mineral fertilizer application on soil microbial community was investigated in a conservation agriculture system. The aim of this work was to evaluate how mineral fertilization with nitrogen (N), phosphorus ...
Changes in microbial and physicochemical properties under cover crop inclusion in a degraded common bean monoculture system
(Elsevier Masson, 2021-11)
The expansion of the common bean monoculture system along with intensive agricultural practices focused on productivity has generated a misuse of natural resources, accompanied by a significant decline of the soil ecosystem ...