Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 201
Exploring the influence of pitch proximity on listener's melodic expectations
(American Psychological Association, 2013-09)
Two studies, one correlational and one meta-analytic, were conducted to explore whether pitch proximity influences listeners’ melodic expectations about pitch direction and tonality. Study 1 used a probe-tone task. ...
Principal pitch of frequency-modulated tones with asymmetrical modulation waveform: A comparison of models
(Acoustical Society of America, 2014-03)
In this work, the overall perceived pitch (principal pitch) of pure tones modulated in frequency with an asymmetric waveform is studied. The dependence of the principal pitch on the degree of asymmetric modulation was ...
Análise numérica do efeito do ângulo de pitch de pás sobre o desempenho acústico e aerodinâmico de hélices
Novos conceitos de aeronaves são agora possíveis graças a reintrodução da propulsão a hélices baseada em motores elétricos, principalmente graças ao desenvolvimento tecnológico de suas baterias. Esses motores elétricos ...
Modelling and control design of pitch-controlled variable speed wind turbines
(IntechOpen, 2011)
This chapter provides an overall perspective of modern wind power systems, including a discussion of major wind turbine concepts and technologies. More specifically, of the various wind turbine designs, pitch-controlled ...
On the Asphalt Lake La Brea Point, Trinidad.
This is a vintage postcard featuring men and women visiting the pitch lake circa the turn of the 20th century. Their attire seems inappropriate for such an outing but it was appropriate for the early 20th century. Directly ...
Comparative fatigue life assessment of wind turbine blades operating with different regulation schemes
A comparative evaluation of the fatigue damage occurring in the blades of small wind turbines, with different power regulation schemes, has been conducted for the first time. Three representative test cases were built, one ...
Pitch Lake, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Stephens Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-01-18)
Photo of railroad with cart loaded with pitch. There is a man seated directly in front of the cart and several men in the field behind. Postcard number 0356663.
Theoretical and experimental approach of fuel gas and carbon black production from coal tar pitch by thermal plasma process
The processing of coal tar pitch (CTP) to produce clean fuel gas and carbon black (CB) is studied in a plasma reactor equipped with a direct-current plasma torch. The composition of the gas produced and energy costs were ...