Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
Estimations of rooting depths and sources of plant-available water (PAW) in flatland petrocalcic soils under different land uses
(Elsevier, 2020-03)
Plant-available water (PAW) is one of the most important issues in productive landscapes around the world. Besides climatic conditions, it depends on several factors, among them, land uses, the rooting and water table ...
A process-based numerical approach to estimate forest groundwater consumption in flatland petrocalcic soils
(IWA Publishing, 2019-08)
Grasslands are extensively distributed in flatland areas around the world such as the Pampas in South-America. It is one of the most economically productive landscapes and, as in other regions, they are being replaced by ...
Sampling scheme optimization to map soil depth to petrocalcic horizon at field scale
Soil depth has played a key role in the development of soil survey, implementation of soil-specific management and validation of hydrological models. Generally, soil depth at field scale is difficult to map due to complex ...
Infiltration and Drainage Analysis in a Heterogeneous Soil by Electrical Resistivity Tomography
(Soil Science Society of America, 2014-07)
Petrocalcic horizons are a common feature of soils in many regions. As a result of their presence, the soils acquire a noticeable stratified profile that may severely restrict water infiltration. Therefore, assessing ...
Sampling scheme optimization to map soil depth to petrocalcic horizon at field scale
(Elsevier Science, 2017-03)
Soil depth has played a key role in the development of soil survey, implementation of soil-specific management and validation of hydrological models. Generally, soil depth at field scale is difficult to map due to complex ...
A process-based numerical approach to estimate forest groundwater consumption in flatland petrocalcic soils
(International Water Association Publishing, 2019-11-01)
Grasslands are extensively distributed in flatland areas around the world such as the Pampas in South-America. It is one of the most economically productive landscapes and, as in other regions, they are being replaced by ...
Impacto en los flujos hídricos por la presencia de horizontes petrocálcicos en parcelas forestadas en ambientes de llanura
(Ediciones INTA, 2019-12)
Alrededor del mundo existen numerosos paisajes con presencia de horizontes petrocálcicos, como en el caso de la llanura Pampeana en Sudamérica. En muchos casos, estos horizontes constituyen una barrera física al flujo de ...
Document Modelling effective soil depth at field scale from soil sensors and geomorphometric indicesModelación de la profundidad efectiva del suelo a escala de lote a partir de sensores del suelo e índices geomorfométricos
(Universidad Nacional De Colombia, 2017-01)
The effective soil depth (ESD) affects both dynamic of hydrology and plant growth. In the southeast of Buenos Aires province, the presence of petrocalcic horizon constitutes a limitation to ESD. The aim of this study was ...
Fibrous-clay mineral formation and soil evolution in Aridisols of northeastern Patagonia, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2007-04)
Recent studies of soil–landscape relationships in northeastern Patagonia identified fibrous-clay minerals in calcic and petrocalcic horizons developed on old fluvio-glacial plains called “Rodados Patagónicos” (RP). The ...
Tierras raras (ree) en la fase sólida de horizontes cálcicos y petrocálcicos de la región pampeana australRare earth elements (ree) in the solid phase of calcic and petrocalcic horizons of the pampean southern region
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2013-12)
Los suelos de la planicie Pampeana Austral, desarrollados a partir de sedimentos loéssicos tienen horizontes cálcicos evolucionados en el presente ciclo (Ck) y/o heredados (2Ck) y petrocálcicos (2Ckm) asociados a paleoclimas ...