Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1819
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda and HFE Gene Mutations in Argentina
(Science Domain International, 2014-01)
Aims: Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT), the most common of porphyrias is triggered by several factors, including iron overload. Type I Hereditary Hemochromatosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait of the mutation ...
Estudio cuantitativo de los factores que afectan el desempeño de los parques científico-tecnológicos (PCT)Quantitative Study of the Factors that Affect the Performance of Scientific-Technological Parks (STP)Estudo quantitativo dos fatores que afetam o desempenho dos parques científicotecnológicos (PCT)
(Universidad del Rosario, 2015)
This research empirically puts to the test a series of hypotheses regarding a sample of 407 scientific-technological parks (STP) around the world. This is done using various regression models in order to analyze the impact ...
GEANT4 tuning for pCT development
Proton beams in medical applications deal with relatively thick targets like the human head or trunk. Thus, the fidelity of proton computed tomography (pCT) simulations as a tool for proton therapy planning depends in the ...
Fatores que influenciam a temperatura corporal de vacas da raça holandesa lactantes
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-07-24)
O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar a temperatura vaginal em parâmetros produtivos e reprodutivos. Vacas Holandesas lactantes n = 641 (209 primíparas 36,9 ± 6,54 kg de leite / d; 432 multíparas 43,9 ± 9,77 kg de leite / ...
Procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive Protein (CRP) as severe systemic infection markers in febrile neutropenic adults
Procalcitonin (PCT) is an inflammatory marker that has been used as indicator of severe bacterial infection. ...
Promoviendo el talento audiovisual
(Universidad del MagdalenaFacultad de HumanidadesCine y Audiovisuales, 2019)
El Indecopi organizó Seminario por los 10 años de entrada del Perú al Tratado de Cooperación en Materia de Patentes (PCT)
(Indecopi, 2019-05-31)
A fin de conmemorar el décimo aniversario de vigencia en el Perú del Tratado de Cooperación en Materia de Patentes (PCT), el Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual ...
(Biblioteca Digital wdg.biblioUniversidad de Guadalajara, 2018)
El uso intensivo de las técnicas del control automático de procesos tiene como origen la evolución y tecnificación de las tecnologías de medición y control aplicadas al ambiente industrial, como menciona Abarca en su ...
The molecular basis of porphyria cutanea tarda in Chile: Identification and functional characterization of mutations in the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase gene
The porphyrias are heterogeneous disorders arising from predominantly inherited catalytic deficiencies of specific enzymes in heme biosynthesis. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) results from a decreased activity of uroporphyrinogen ...