Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 115
Non-destructive genotypes classification and oil content prediction using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools in soybean breeding program
In soybean (Glycine max L.) breeding programs, segregation is normally observed, and it is not possible to have replicates of individuals because each genotype is a unique copy. Therefore, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) ...
Sex type determination in papaya seeds and leaves using near infrared spectroscopy combined with multivariate techniques and machine learning
Papaya trees (Carica papaya L.) can bear female, hermaphrodite, and male flowers. However, only the hermaphrodite type produces elongate fruit required and appreciated by the consumer market. Sex type determination is ...
Using Intact Nuts and Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Classify Macadamia Cultivars
Macadamia nut industry is increasingly gaining more space in the food market and the success of the industry and the quality are largely due to the selection of cultivars through macadamia nut breeding programs. Thus, the ...
Identification of species of the Euterpe genus by rare earth elements using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and linear discriminant analysis
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-06-15)
The acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and jucara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) produce similar fruits which are rich in energy, minerals, vitamins and natural compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Although the ...
Determination of the geographical origin and ethanol content of Brazilian sugarcane spirit using near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with discriminant analysis
Aguardente is a typical Brazilian spirit produced by the distillation of sugarcane. The valorisation of this spirit can be attributed to its notoriety, related to its production origin which can influence its quality. ...
Identification and detection of pesticide in chard samples by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using chemometric methods
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-03)
Pesticide residues in food represent a significant threat to consumers. However, the fast detection of traces directly in samples involves a complex task. In this work, we explore the potential application of the Laser-Induced ...
Classification of jaboticaba fruits at three maturity stages using NIRS and LDA
This study proposes a rapid and non-destructive method of jaboticaba [Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg] fruit classification at three maturity stages based on the skin colour (immature - fruit completely green, ...
Nondestructive Total Excitation-Emission Fluorescence Microscopy Combined with Multi-Way Chemometric Analysis for Visually Indistinguishable Single Fiber Discrimination
(American Chemical Society, 2016-03)
The potential of total excitation-emission fluorescence microscopy combined with multiway chemometric analysis was investigated for the nondestructive forensic analysis of textile fibers. The four pairs of visually ...