Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
La Provincia Fitogeográfica de la Payunia
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2004-12)
Payunia constitutes an area that underwent intense volcanic activity during the Plio-Pleistocene and early Holocene. Most of the area is bordered on the west by the volcanic Andean belt, and on the east by the Retroarc ...
Campos volcánicos Llancanelo y Payún Matrú : patrimonio mundial natural
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía, 2016)
Germinación de Gutierrezia solbrigii y Senecio subulatus, asteráceas endémicas de ArgentinaGermination of Gutierrezia solbrigii and Senecio subulatus, endemic Asteraceae from Argentina
(Fundación Rómulo Raggio, 2016-01)
Asteraceae es la familia de plantas vasculares más diversa a nivel mundial y la más numerosa de Argentina, incluyendo 26% de especies endémicas. Muchas asteráceas son pioneras, facilitando el establecimiento de otras ...
Volcanism rather than climatic oscillations explains the shared phylogeographic patterns among ecologically distinct plant species in the southernmost areas of the South American Arid Diagonal
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2020-08)
Shared genetic patterns within a community of ecologically distinct species may reflect the role of past geoclimatic events imprinting species evolutionary history. Although Pleistocene glaciations are the most important ...
Seed germination of five Prosopis shrub species (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) from the Monte and Patagonia phytogeographic provinces of Argentina
The Patagonian species of the genus Prosopis exhibit distinctive features such as their shrub growth pattern. However, morphological or physiological differences among them have been poorly studied (e.g., germination). ...