Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1098
Bacteriophages as biocontrol tools of pathogens in meat and dairy products
(Nova Science Publishers, 2013)
Biocontrol by bacteriophages in meat and dairy products was developed in the last years and their recent ´generally recognized as safe´ (GRAS) designation and approval as food additives (FDA, 2006) has opened the discussion ...
Evaluación in vitro de bacterias marinas para potencial biocontrol en cultivo de moluscos bivalvos
(Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, 2019)
The cultivation of bivalve molluscs in controlled systems requires an adequate control of mortalities in larval stages due to bacterial infections. In this work, the activity of marine bacteria from coastal area of the ...
Enhancing the efficacy of yeast biocontrol agents against postharvest pathogens through nutrient profiling and the use of other additives
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-06)
Vishniacozyma victoriae and Pichia membranifaciens were selected in a previous work for their biocontrol effectiveness against Penicillium expansum and Botrytis cinerea, the causal agents of blue and grey mold of pear ...
Trichoderma as biological control agent: Scope and prospects to improve efficacy
(Springer, 2021-05)
A major current challenge is to increase the food production while preserving natural resources. Agricultural practices that enhance the productivity and progressively improve the soil quality are relevant to face this ...
Nimbya alternantherae and Cercospora alternantherae: two new records of fungal pathogens on Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligatorweed) in Brazil
(Australasian Plant Pathology, 2018)
Grape Stalk-Based Extracts Controlling Fruit Pathogenic Fungi as a Waste Biomass Valorization Alternative in Winemaking
(Springer, 2021-08)
Grape stalks—the lignocellulosic skeleton of the grape raceme- are accumulated in massive piles immediately after harvest and become a concentrated pollutant. Fungi cause several rots in grapevine and other fruit cultivars ...
Fusarium head blight in Argentina: Pathogen aggressiveness, triazole tolerance and biocontrol-cultivar combined strategy to reduce disease and deoxynivalenol in wheat
(Elsevier, 2020-11-25)
Fusarium head blight (FHB) management includes genetic and biological techniques, together with good agronomic practices. The combined use of chemical and biocontrol strategies along with moderately resistant wheat cultivars ...
Additions to the mycobiota of the weed Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) in southeastern Brazil
(Mycopathologia, 2018)