Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4462
La teoría de los actos propios en el derecho del trabajo chileno
The Own Acts Theory is a concrete way to realize the general principle of good faith, and potentially has application in Labour law. The non-renounceability of these labour rights is an obstacle that can be overcome by ...
As modalidades do ato e sua singularidade na adolescência
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2009-06-23)
This study describes about the act of adolescents as an attempt to resolve conflicts caused by the entrance in puberty, body changes and the pulsional exceeding, besides the sharing of parental figures and the encounter ...
GOOD FAITH AND THE DOCTRINE OF THE OWN ACTS: Origin, elemental premises, and jurisprudential approachBUENA FE Y DOCTRINA DE LOS ACTOS PROPIOS: Origen, premisas elementales y abordaje jurisprudencial
(Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)
Phase Two Wins With Own Tune
(Daily Express, 12-Feb-77)
For the first time ever, a steelband has won a Panorama competition with its own composition. The unsponsored Phase II Pan Groove with their rendition of "I Like to Beat Pan" composed and arranged by Lennox "Boogsie" Sharpe ...
South Panmen Stage Own Pan Finals
(Newsday, 5-Feb-07)
Days after several southern steel bands failed to qualify for the Panorama Finals — Pan Trinbago's South/Central Regional executive announced it will stage its own Southern Panorama finals. The event will be held at Skinner ...
Processos da atuação cinematográfica: técnica, intuição e autodesenvolvimento
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-11-30)
Esta pesquisa se inicia com a tentativa de entender o trabalho da atriz e suas especificidades nas linguagens do teatro e do cinema. Aponta a importância do trabalho das intérpretes para o processo criativo da obra ...
O Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)e sua aplicabilidade ao Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais (BDMG)
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-05-25)
In September 23, 2014, Brazil and United States of America signed an international agreement in order to exchange information about financial accounts: Agreement Between the United States of America and Brazil to Improve ...
La actuación teatral y la actuación cinematográfica: un campo de investigación específicoActing in theatre and acting in cinema: a specific field of research
(Universidad Veracruzana, 2015-08)
La actuación es un fenómeno artístico con características específicas que legitiman su establecimiento como objeto de indagación teórica y de apreciación estética. El fenómeno actoral es un campo de investigación autónomo ...
Estado, burguesia e legislação trabalhista brasileira no limiar dos anos 30: Notas para uma discussão
The creation and implementation of Brazilian labor laws during the 1930s gave rise to important political debates. The various stakeholders - the state, the bourgeoisie, and workers - each with their own social project, ...