Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 933
A logarithmic CMOS image sensor with wide output voltage swing range
(Ieee, 2017-01-01)
This paper presents logarithmic CMOS image sensor with wide output voltage swing range. Wide output voltage swing range is achieved by increasing the number of transistors connected as diodes of logarithmic CMOS image ...
A logarithmic CMOS image sensor with wide output voltage swing range
This paper presents logarithmic CMOS image sensor with wide output voltage swing range. Wide output voltage swing range is achieved by increasing the number of transistors connected as diodes of logarithmic CMOS image ...
H-2 and H-infinity robust output feedback control for continuous time polytopic systems
(Inst Engineering Technology-ietHertfordInglaterra, 2007)
Instance-optimal geometric algorithms
(ACM, 2017)
We prove the existence of an algorithmAfor computing 2D or 3D convex hulls that is optimal forevery pointsetin the following sense: for every sequenceσofnpoints and for every algorithmA′in a certain classA,the running time ...
A comparison of two sensitivity analysis techniques based on four bayesian models representing ecosystem services provision in the Argentine Pampas
(Elsevier Science, 2017-09)
Sensitivity analyses (SAs) identify how an output variable of a model is modified by changes in the input variables. These analyses are a good way for assessing the performance of probabilistic models, like Bayesian Networks ...
Application of sensitivity- and uncertainty-based techniques for the assessment of epidemiological models in real-life study cases
(Universidad EAFITBiologíaEscuela de Ciencias. Ciencias BásicasMedellín, 2019)
Uncertainty analysis (UA) and sensitivity analysis (SA) are tools to assess and to quantify the uncertainty spread from the input factors (parameters and initial states) to the model output, taking into account the effect ...
Role of the glycine sensitive area in the regulation of cardiac output
(Elsevier B.V., 1989-01-01)
Dealing with Uncertainty in Polymer Manufacturing by Using Linear Regression Metrics and Sensitivity Analysis
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
In the polymers industry, models are heavily parameterizised, and the effect of each parameter on model outputs has not been extensively studied. A wide range of values for most of model's parameters can be found in ...