Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 315
O processo de trabalho em ambulatorio de saude mental
This study was carried out to evaluate the working procedures of the mental health at the medical and administrative team at the mental health outpatient unit in Botucatu, attempting to understand its previous and social ...
O processo de trabalho em ambulatorio de saude mental
This study was carried out to evaluate the working procedures of the mental health at the medical and administrative team at the mental health outpatient unit in Botucatu, attempting to understand its previous and social ...
Inequities in mental health care after health care system reform in Chile
Objectives. We compared differences in mental health needs and provision of mental health services among residents of Santiago, Chile, with private and public health insurance coverage.
Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional ...
Patterns of care and dropout rates from outpatient mental healthcare in low-, middle- And high-income countries from the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey Initiative
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Background There is a substantial proportion of patients who drop out of treatment before they receive minimally adequate care. They tend to have worse health outcomes than those who complete treatment. Our main goal is ...
Matrix Support in Mental Health: Achievements and Limits in Primary Health Care
Changes in mental health care in the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil) have a recent historical and political process. Compared to other municipalities of the State of Ceara, which in the early 1990s were already ...
Processo de avaliação de quarta geração em um ambulatório de saúde mental : perspectiva dos profissionaisProcess of fourth generation evaluation in an outpatient mental health: the professionals' perspective.
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EnfermagemUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Ciências da Saúde, 2018)
Mental health in Chile and Finland. Challenges and lessons Salud mental en Chile y Finlandia: Desafíos y lecciones
(Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2016)
© 2016, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved. This article analyses and compares the epidemiology of mental disorders and relevant public policies in Chile and Finland. In Chile, a specific mental health law ...
Rede e intersetorialidade na atenção psicossocial: contextualizando o papel do ambulatório de saúde mentalRed e intersectorialidad en la atención psicosocial: contextualizando el papel del ambulatorio de salud mentalNetwork and intersectorality in the psychosocial attention: contextualizing the role of the mental health clinic
(Conselho Federal de Psicologia, 2011)