Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
Osseous Flap of Galea and Periosteum Filled with Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Platelet-Rich Plasma, Bone Dust, and Hyaluronic Acid
Reconstructive surgery to craniofacial deformities caused by tumor ressections, traumas or congenital malformation are frequent in medicine practice. It aims to provide the patients with better quality of life and functional ...
Histological Analyses of Osseous Repair Defects. Recognized of Critic Defects
(Soc Chilena AnatomiaTemucoChile, 2009)
Prospective Clinical Assessment of Morbidity After Chin Bone Harvest
(Lippincott Williams & WilkinsPhiladelphiaEUA, 2011)
Osseous mass in a maxillary sinus of an adult male from the 16th-17th-century Spain: Differential diagnosis
(Elsevier Inc, 2020-12)
Objective: To undertake a differential diagnosis of a large mass found in the left maxillary sinus of a cranium dated to the 16th–17th-century, and to expand knowledge of the diagnosis of osseous tissue formation in ...
Septum on Maxillary Sinus. A Study in 91 Consecutive Surgeries of Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
(Soc Chilena AnatomiaTemucoChile, 2011)
Fibroma osificante juvenil trabecular mandibular: presentación de un caso con reconstrucción inmediata mediante un injerto libre de la cresta ilíaca y costocondral
(Ediciones Ergon SA, 2015)
El fibroma osificante juvenil (FOJ) es una lesión fibro-ósea benigna pero con potencial
biológico agresivo que afecta al esqueleto craneofacial. Su evolución clínica es rápida,
manifestándose principalmente por una ...
Cisto ósseo aneurismático orbitário: relato de um casoAneurysmatic osseous cyst of the orbit: report of one case
(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 1986)
Radiographic prospective study of osseous repair in mandibular symphysis after chin bone remove
(Soc Chilena AnatomiaTemucoChile, 2012)