Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 568
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2007)
Le Renouvèlement de l’orthographe française?
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Co-occurrence of phonological traits in orthographic replacement of sonorant phonemes
Purpose: This short presentation aims to indicate phonological features inherent to the sonorant consonant class (nasals and liquids) that might be relatively problematic in the orthographic records of these phonemes. ...
Le Renouvèlement de l’orthographe française?
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2009)
La ortografía francesa ha evolucionado ya que alrededor de 2000 palabras fueron modificadas con el fin de “facilitar” su escritura. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las palabras no son de uso frecuente en la lengua francesa. ...
Orthographic and associative neighborhood density effects: What is shared, what is different?
Words with many orthographic neighbors elicit a larger N400 than words with few orthographic neighbors. This has been interpreted as stronger overall semantic activation due to orthographic neighbors activating their ...
O acordo ortográfico da língua portuguesa e a meta de simplificação e unificação
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, 2010)
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa within a historic context that continually demands simplification and unification to the orthographic fixations. The theoretical and ...
Reading time and formation of orthographic representation in SpanishTiempo de lectura y formación de representaciones ortográficas en español
(Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía, 2019)
O acordo ortográfico da língua portuguesa e a meta de simplificação e unificação
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, 2015)