Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1002
Local Institutions and Armed Group Presence in Colombia
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2014)
This paper investigates the causal impact of non-state armed groups on local institutions during the armed conflict in Colombia, and tests competing theoretical mechanisms that may shape such effect. Our identification ...
Civilian Armed Groups in Venezuela: ¿Are they Actors of an 'Organized Apparatus of Power'?
The Venezuelan government has subjected the Venezuelan society to constant militarization, especially through the creation of armed civilian groups, such as the militias. At the same time, it has promoted the formalization ...
Justice, (Dis)Order and Groups Outside the Law: Cross-Views on Brazil, Mexico and Colombia
Organized armed groups actions in Latin America are not limited to committing transnational crimes, but, with some degree of acceptance, this groups tend to the imposition of a type of coercive community justice within ...
The dynamics of violence and labor conflict in Villa Constitución, Argentina, 1973–1975
(Emerald, 2020-11)
This chapter aims to contribute to the study of social protests around the world and particularly in Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s, with a focus on an Argentinean case. Throughout these years, Argentina like ...
La cabeza de Jano en la evolución del ius in bello interno y la cuestión del nuevo ius contra bellum internum
(Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, 2017-12-12)
Desde 1945, la mayoría de los conflictos armados tuvieron lugar entre Estados y rebeldes o entre grupos armados no estatales al interior de Estados frágiles o fallidos. En la actualidad, los dramas en Irak, Siria y en ...
From “Grupos de Trabajo” to “Colectivos”: The Evolution of Armed Pro-Government Groups in the Chávez Era
(Universidad del Zulia, 2022)