Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 534
Pós-tratamento físico-químico por flotação FAD em efluentes de laticínios
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2017-06-23)
The dairy industry is a sector of great relevance worldwide and, uses billions of liters of water in its production. Linked to the large production, there is a large generation of effluents that without adequate treatment ...
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2016)
Coagulation-flocculation of anaerobically treated sugarcane stillage
Anaerobic digestion applied to stillage usually results in treatment performances. However, effluents from anaerobic reactors still present a residual polluting load due to the presence of organic recalcitrant compounds. ...
Coagulation-flocculation of anaerobically treated sugarcane stillage
Anaerobic digestion applied to stillage usually results in treatment performances. However, effluents from anaerobic reactors still present a residual polluting load due to the presence of organic recalcitrant compounds. ...
Combination of chemical coagulation, photo-Fenton oxidation and biodegradation for the treatment of vinasse from sugar cane ethanol distillery
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-01-20)
The post-treatment of biodigested sugarcane vinasse was envisaged in the present study following three different approaches: i) coagulation/flocculation - Approach 1; ii) combination of coagulation/flocculation with ...
Combination of chemical coagulation, photo-Fenton oxidation and biodegradation for the treatment of vinasse from sugar cane ethanol distillery
The post-treatment of biodigested sugarcane vinasse was envisaged in the present study following three different approaches: i) coagulation/flocculation – Approach 1; ii) combination of coagulation/flocculation with ...
Treatment of sugarcane vinasse by combination of coagulation/flocculation and Fenton's oxidation
The efficiency of individual and integrated processes applied to organic matter reduction and biodegradability improvement of a biodigested sugarcane vinasse wastewater was assessed. Strategies considered were Fenton's ...
Treatment of biodigested coffee processing wastewater using Fenton's oxidation and coagulation/flocculation
Biodigested coffee processing wastewater (CPW) presents a high organic load and does not meet the limits imposed by legislation (namely in Brazil) for discharge into water bodies. Anaerobic digestion generally cannot provide ...