Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43
Modelagem, simulação e controle de uma nova proposta de aeronave tricóptero tilt-wing-coaxial-rotorModeling, simulation and control of a new proposal of tilt-wing-coaxial-rotor tricopter aircraft
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2022)
Trabajo de grado : Equipos para ensayos de “tilt test” y “carga puntual”
In studies concerning the branch of rock mechanics, specialized equipment is required that allows the execution of field trials and tests. Two of these tests are the one of punctual load and tilt test, which allow to quickly ...
Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de un sistema de estabilización de un Motocultor.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2016-06-15)
A stabilization prototype for a tiller to be used in the Andean region was designed and built in order to reduce the overturning risks generated when running steep surfaces as well as increasing the productivity of the ...
Optimization of the Hose-Based Low-Cost Solar Collector
(IBIMA Publishing, 2013-12)
The performance of solar collectors based on plastic hoses is noticeably improved by using a thermal-hydraulic modeling experimentally validated. This model allows us to optimize the main parameters of collector (length ...
Evaluación de la orientación y el ángulo de inclinación óptimo de una superficie plana para maximizar la captación de irradiación solar en Cuenca-Ecuador
The document is to assess the angle of tilt and the optimal orientation of surfaces to maximize the uptake of solar irradiation in the city of Cuenca and thus find the greater efficiency of solar panels through the application ...
Full thermal-hydraulic and solar modeling to study low-cost solar collectors based on a single long LDPE hose
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-06)
A comprehensive analysis of low-cost solar collectors based on a single long plastic LDPE hose resting on a roof and working by thermosiphon is performed. This lay-out involves two challenging issues, high hydraulic ...
Diseño de una rejilla inclinada de bragg basada en fibra óptica de dos modos para reducción del retardo modal
The capacity of multimode fiber optic networks is greatly diminished by differential modal delay with increasing speed or distance. The article contributes to this line and proposes an inclined Bragg grating made on a ...