Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Operative fetoscopy via telesurgery
We describe a case in which telesurgical consultation from Tampa, Florida, USA was used to accomplish operative fetoscopy in Santiago, Chile for the treatment of a twin pregnancy involving an acardiac twin. The procedure ...
In utero endoscopic treatment of posterior urethral valves: Preliminary experience
Fetal cystoscopy was performed in nine fetuses with sonographic evidence of lower urinary tract obstruction and normal urinary electrolytes. Posterior urethral valves (PUV) were thought to be present in all cases. Endoscopic ...
Endoscopic surgery for the antenatal treatment of myelomeningocele: the CECAM trial
(Mosby-Elsevier, 2016)
BACKGROUND: A recent randomized clinical trial named Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS trial) showed that prenatal correction of open spina bifida (OSB) via open fetal surgery was associated with improved infant ...
Balloon removal after fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
(Elsevier, 2017)
Isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia defect allows viscera to herniate into the chest, competing for space with the developing lungs. At birth, pulmonary hypoplasia leads to respiratory insufficiency and ...
Balloon removal after fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
(Elsevier, 2017)
Isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia defect allows viscera to herniate into the chest, competing for space with the developing lungs. At birth, pulmonary hypoplasia leads to respiratory insufficiency and ...
Caracterização dos procedimentos cirúrgicos no centro obstétrico da Maternidade Escola da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilMaternidade EscolaPrograma de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde PerinatalUFRJ, 2023)