Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4185
Review Of Operating Reserves And Day-Ahead Unit Commitment Considering Variable Renewable Energies: International Experience
(IEEE, 2017)
The steady growth of wind power generation has produced that the system operators have to face more challenges to keep their operations safe all the time. The quantification of operational reserves takes a very important ...
Quantifying operating reserves with wind power: towards probabilistic-dynamic approaches
In this study, the economic benefits of using a probabilistic-dynamic approach (PDA) in the quantification of operating reserves are investigated and compared with more traditional quantification rules in power systems ...
Cost assessment of efficiency losses in hydroelectric plants
(Elsevier B.V. Sa, 2011-10-01)
Some important real-time tasks of the independent system operator (ISO) are the monitoring and control of power system events (load deviations and contingencies). These events are usually managed by the ISO using operating ...
Cost assessment of efficiency losses in hydroelectric plants
(Elsevier B.V. Sa, 2011-10-01)
Some important real-time tasks of the independent system operator (ISO) are the monitoring and control of power system events (load deviations and contingencies). These events are usually managed by the ISO using operating ...
Quantifying operating reserves with wind power: towards probabilistic-dynamic approaches
In this study, the economic benefits of using a probabilistic-dynamic approach (PDA) in the quantification of operating reserves are investigated and compared with more traditional quantification rules in power systems ...
Cost assessment of efficiency losses in hydroelectric plants
(Elsevier B.V. Sa, 2014)
Power system reliability impacts of wind generation and operational reserve requirements
Due to its variability, wind generation integration presents a significant challenge to power system operators in order to maintain adequate reliability levels while ensuring least cost operation. This paper explores the ...