Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 100141
Instalación de JDK de Java en Ambiente Linux- Ubuntu
This content illustrates the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) in Linux-Ubuntu environment. It is important for students of Computer Systems, with specific skills for managing open development platforms, in addition ...
O IPEN e a inova????o tecnol??gica: passado, presente e futuro
(SENAI-SP, 2016)
Laboratory practices for demonstrating the importance of advanced process control methods in the organic chemical technologies have been elaborated. It required the development of a system tha tintegrates the advantages ...
An introduction to AgriFoodTrust and call to action
(CGIAR Plataform for Big Data in Agriculture, 2021)
Impacts of New Technologies on Free-to-Air TV industry: Lessons from Selected Country Cases
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2009)
Propensity to the Technological Innovation of the Peruvian Manufacturing Companies that do not Develop Research and Development (R&D) Activities
More emphasis should be given to companies that do not carry out research and development activities. In this regard, this research has set as objectives to analyze the relationship between non-technological innovations ...
Normative Affordances Through and By Technology: Technological Mediation and Human Enhancement
Human activity is fundamentally embedded in and constituted by technology. In this regard, technology influences not only how people experience the world, but also which possibilities for action offered by the environment ...
Absorptive capacity and innovation in low-tech companies in emerging economies
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y NegociosCL, 2018-08-02)
Innovation capacity is on the focus of policy makers in emerging economies. Although some studies show the antecedents of innovation capacity for developed economies and high technological industries, scant research outcomes ...
Hospital investment decisions in healthcare 4.0 technologies: Scoping review and framework for exploring challenges, trends, and research directions
(Journal Medical Internet Research, 2021-08)
Background: Alternative approaches to analyzing and evaluating health care investments in state-of-the-art technologies are being increasingly discussed in the literature, especially with the advent of Healthcare 4.0 (H4.0) ...