Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2690
The bifurcation set as a topological invariant for one-dimensional dynamics
(IOP, 2021)
For a continuous map on the unit interval or circle, we define the bifurcation set to be the collection of those interval holes whose surviving set is sensitive to arbitrarily small changes of (some of) their endpoints. ...
Two-dimensional dissipative maps at chaos threshold:sensitivity to initial conditions and relaxation dynamics
(Elsevier, 2004)
The sensitivity to initial conditions and relaxation dynamics of two-dimensional maps are analyzed at the edge of chaos, along the lines of nonextensive statistical mechanics. We verify the dual nature of the entropic index ...
Coarsing dynamics of one dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model
The dynamics of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model is studied. The stationary and particle-type solutions, the bubbles, are perused as a function of initial conditions, boundary conditions, and system size. We characterize ...
Coarsening dynamics of the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model
The dynamics of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model is studied. The stationary and particle-type solutions, the bubbles, are perused as a function of initial conditions, boundary conditions, and system size. We characterize ...
The large deviation principle in one-dimensional dynamics
For uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, the large
deviation principle was established in the late 1980s by
Takahashi, Orey and Pelikan, Kifer, and Young. For quadratic
interval maps, the critical point is a serious ...
The goal of this paper is to present an approximation scheme for a reaction-diffusion equation with finite delay, which has been used as a model to study the evolution of a population with density distribution u, in such ...
Dynamical Invariants and Quantization of the One-Dimensional Time-Dependent, Damped, and Driven Harmonic Oscillator
(Springer, 2020-06-30)
In this paper, it is proposed a quantization procedure for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency, time-dependent driven force, and time-dependent dissipative term. The method is based on the ...
Coarsening dynamics of the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model
The dynamics of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model is studied. The stationary and particle-type solutions,
the bubbles, are perused as a function of initial conditions, boundary conditions, and system size. We characterize
the ...
Thermodynamic formalism of one-dimensional dynamical systems
In their pioneer works, Sinai, Bowen, and Ruelle
gave a complete description of the thermodynamic formalism of
uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and Holder continuous
potentials. In this talk, I'll report on recent ...