Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2731
The effect of obliging the defendant to show evidence against himself
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Incidencia de la fiscalización tributaria en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias en arrendadores de inmuebles
(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)PE, 2023)
La tesis se enfocó en el problema del incumplimiento tributario en los arrendamientos de predios, puesto que, solamente en Lima, existen alrededor de 4 millones de alquileres, de los cuales, 1.3 millones son informales, ...
La cultura tributaria y su relación con el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias de los comerciantes de las galerías de Gamarra
(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH)PE, 2024)
La problemática indagada se centra en las galerías de Gamarra, puesto que, se observa el incumplimiento tributario de un sector de los comerciantes, tanto de las obligaciones sustanciales como de las formales, ya que, ...
The general objective of the investigation is to determine the relationship of
internal control and tax obligations in the company AgurtoMorveli e Hijos SAC,
2017. The hypotheses with which it was operationalized are as ...
Princípio da vedação ao confisco e sua aplicação em multas por descumprimento de obrigações tributárias acessórias à luz da jurisprudência brasileira
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2018-07-09)
The present study analyzed the application of the principle of sealing to confiscation by noncompliance of obligation accessory, checking percentages and occasions where the application should occur. Firstly, was performed ...
Individual differences in adolescents' beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and their own obligation to obey: A longitudinal investigation
Adolescents' beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and obligation to obey were examined in 568 Chilean adolescents (11-14 years old at Wave 1), followed once a year for 4 years. Adolescents' beliefs about ...
A ideia de obrigação na teoria moral e política de Thomas Hobbes
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-05-21)
One of the central aspects of Hobbes's political thinking is precisely to be able to base the idea of obligation. Once the state of nature is set up as a completely anarchic scenario, the question arises as to how to base ...
Cultura Tributaria en PerúTax culture of taxpayers in Peru
(Fundación Universitaria Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá: Uniempresarial.Escuela de Finanzas., 2018)
Os fundamentos morais do papel judicial: uma investigação filosófica sobre obrigações constitutivas de papéis
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilDIREITO - FACULDADE DE DIREITOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em DireitoUFMG, 2021-09-03)
In reasonably just legal systems, especially in democratic ones, there is a broad consensus in both political philosophy and common sense reason that judges have a moral obligation to obey the law, even if this implies ...