Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15707
Are There Any Conventional Obligations?
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)
There are reasons to believe that conventional obligations are impossible. Thus, it could be
argued that for me to have an obligation to Φ in virtue of the fact that a convention so
requires, it must be the case that I ...
Expressing permission, obligation and advice at work
A identificação e mensuração dos custos tributários implícitos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2005)
The tribute origin is very ancient. The Word “tribute” comes from the Latin “tributum”. It regards something that by onus is given to the State. The tribute is taxed because it is the social contract cost of living in ...
The effect of obliging the defendant to show evidence against himself
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Negociación y elaboración de contratos y convenios.
Agreement of two or more people to create, transfer,
modify or extinguish obligations. The agreements that produce or transfer the
obligations and rights take the name of CONTRACTS.
Hobbes on Legal Authority and Political Obligation
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)
According to the usual interpretation, Hobbes argues that subjects have binding political obligations because the sanctions for non-compliance provided by the law given them sufficient reason to obey. This view comprises ...
Do doctors have a moral duty to work in the public health sector? Ethical considerations regarding the social obligations of medicine
This article discusses whether physicians have social obligations and whether these obligations imply a moral duty to work in the public sector. The article focuses on the context of the Chilean health system, which has ...
The obligation to negotiate in International Law: An analysis in the light of the classification of obligations of conduct and resultLa obligación de negociar en el derecho internacional: un análisis a la luz de la clasificación de las obligaciones de comportamiento y de resultado
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019)
Synthetic a Priori Propositions of Right: Kant on Political Obligation
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016)
In this essay, I shall study some aspects of Kant´s approach to a complex topic that lies at the core of modern political philosophy: That of political obligation. The specificity of juridical-political obligations, ...