Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Holocene compression in the Acequión valley (Andes Precordillera, San Juan province, Argentina): Geomorphic, tectonic, and paleoseismic evidence
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-04)
The Matagusanos-Maradona-Acequión Valley sits within the Andes Precordillera fold-thrust belt of western Argentina. It is an elongated topographic depression bounded by the roughly N-S trending Precordillera Central and ...
Los pliegues del sinclinal de tunja. análisis estructural y modelamiento geométrico
(Departamento de Geociencias, 1997)
The Tunja syncline is located at the northern termination of the Altiplano of the Eastern Cordillera, which constitutes a distinct physiographic province in the central part of the Eastern Cordillera between the cities of ...
Comparación de los estilos estructurales en la sección entre bogotá y los farallones de medina, cordillera oriental de colombia
(Departamento de Geociencias, 1999)
Between the Bogotá area and the Farallones range there is a marked contrast between two structural styles of an opposed vergence. To the east, a distinct marginal high, referred to as Chingaza dome, displays by its asymmetry ...
Sedimentary evolution and tectonic setting of the Itapucumi Group, Ediacaran, northern Paraguay: From Rodinia break-up to West Gondwana amalgamation
(Elsevier Science, 2019-03)
The Itapucumi Group is recognized worldwide due to its well-preserved Ediacaran fossil assemblage. Despite its paleontological importance, this unit remains as the least studied South American Neoproterozoic sedimentary ...
Sedimentary evolution and tectonic setting of the Itapucumi Group, Ediacaran, northern Paraguay: From Rodinia break-up to West Gondwana amalgamation
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-03-01)
The Itapucumi Group is recognized worldwide due to its well-preserved Ediacaran fossil assemblage. Despite its paleontological importance, this unit remains as the least studied South American Neoproterozoic sedimentary ...