Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 314
Massive integrative gene set analysis enables functional characterization of breast cancer subtypes
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-03-27)
The availability of large-scale repositories and integrated cancer genome efforts have created unprecedented opportunities to study and describe cancer biology. In this sense, the aim of translational researchers is the ...
Dynamic bayesian networks for integrating multi-omics time series microbiome data
(American Society for Microbiology, 2021-03-30)
A key challenge in the analysis of longitudinal microbiome data is theinference of temporal interactions between microbial taxa, their genes, the metabolites that they consume and produce, and host genes. To address these ...
Current Challenges for Big Omics Data Analytics and Precision Medicine
(International Scientific Information, Inc., 2018-01-16)
Ambitious efforts to characterize disease have been made worldwide, mainly in cancer, with initiatives such as the Cancer Genome Atlas. Many of these cost-intensive studies use cutting-edge technologies to delve deeply ...
Inferring Plasmodium vivax protein biology by using omics data
Deciphering Plasmodium vivax biology has long been a challenge for groups working on this parasite, mainly due to the complications involved in propagating it in vitro. However, adapting P. vivax strains in non-human ...