Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 828
Non-standard numbers: a semantic obstacle for modelling arithmetical reasoning
(Oxford Univ PressOxfordInglaterra, 2012)
Early number and arithmetic performance of Ecuadorian 4-5-year-olds
This study aimed at (a) constructing a reliable and valid test to assess Ecuadorian
4–5-year olds’ number and arithmetic skills; (b) providing empirical data on
Ecuadorian 4–5-year olds’ number and arithmetic skills; and ...
Early number and arithmetic performance of Ecuadorian 4-5-year-olds
Arithmetic Quiz
Arithmetic Quiz
Eye gaze reveals a fast, parallel extraction of the syntax of arithmetic formulas
(Elsevier, 2012-12)
Mathematics shares with language an essential reliance on the human capacity for recursion, permitting the generation of an infinite range of embedded expressions from a finite set of symbols. We studied the role of syntax ...
Comparison Between Numerical Solutions of Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations via Interactive and Non-interactive Arithmetics: Application to the Heat Equation
This paper provides a new numerical solution to partial differential equations, where the initial and boundary conditions are given by interactive fuzzy numbers. The interactivity considered here is the one obtained from ...
The least prime in certain arithmetic progressions
(Mathematical Association of America, 2009-12)
Dirichlet’s theorem states that, if a and n are relatively prime integers, there are infinitely many primes in the arithmetic progression n + a, 2n + a, 3n + a,.... However, the known proofs of this general result are not ...