Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2218
A variable reflector size experiment at IPEN/MB-01 critical facility
(S??o Paulo: ABEN, 2011, 2014)
Analysis of chromium oxide doped pellet for LWRs using FRAPCON code
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2021)
Erythrocyte nuclear size as a better diagnostic character than cell size in the identification of live cryptic polyploid species
(Magnolia Press, 2013-08)
It is well documented in anurans the cryptic condition of many species complexes involving polyploids. In these complexes the character that clearly differentiates them is the number of chromosome complements. The blood ...
Intraspecific variation in erythrocyte sizes among populations of Hypsiboas cordobae (Anura, Hylidae).
(Firenze University Press, 2013-12)
We studied the morphology and size of erythrocytes of H. cordobae, and analysed the geographic variation of this character along the distribution of the species, in relation to the latitudinal and altitudinal distances. ...
La energía nuclear de fusión : aspectos históricosNuclear energy by nuclear fusion : historical aspects
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2005-10)
La posibilidad de la fusión nuclear controlada se planteó desde la década de 1940 como una posible fuente ilimitada de energía, y los primeros experimentos se realizaron en Estados Unidos en 1951. Se ha convertido en una ...
Desenvolvimento de pre-amplificador sensivel a tensao para aplicacao em sonda cirurgica radioguiada
(Sao Paulo: ABEN, 2005, 2014)
Estudo do desempenho do gel de molibdenio com titanio para utilizacao nos geradores de sup(99)Mo/sup(99m)Tc
(Rio de Janeiro: ABEN, 2002, 2014)