Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
Genetic variation in Nothofagus (subgenus Nothofagus)Variación genética en Nothofagus (subgénero Nothofagus)
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2017)
Evidence of chloroplast capture in South American Nothofagus (subgenus Nothofagus, Nothofagaceae)
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2010-12)
Subgenus Nothofagus, although geographically restricted at present to temperate areas of South America, has captured much attention in discussions of plant biogeography due to its widespread distribution through Gondwanan ...
Variación genética en Nothofagus (subgénero Nothofagus)Genetic variation in Nothofagus (subgenus Nothofagus)
(Universidad Austral de Chile, 2012-07)
El subgénero Nothofagus consiste de cinco especies leñosas que están presentes en diversas asociaciones forestales de los bosques templados de Argentina y Chile. Dadas las variaciones del medio físico se esperan variaciones ...
Pollen morphology of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae, Fagales) and its phylogenetic significance
(De Gruyter, 2016-12)
Nothofagaceae (southern beeches) are a relatively small flowering plant family of trees confined to the Southern Hemisphere. The fossil record of the family is abundant and it has been widely used as a test case for the ...
Descriptions of the Patagonian species of the subgenus Trichohelea of Forcipomyia, with a key to the Neotropical species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
(Taylor & Francis, 2004-12)
The following two new species of Forcipomyia (Trichohelea) collected in the Nothofagus patagonian forest are described and illustrated: F. (T.) sayhuequei from the province of Chubut in Argentina and Llanquihue in Chile, ...
Non-congruent fossil and phylogenetic evidence on the evolution of climatic niche in the Gondwana genus Nothofagus
AimWe used fossil and phylogenetic evidence to reconstruct climatic niche evolution in Nothofagus, a Gondwana genus distributed in tropical and temperate latitudes. To assess whether the modern distribution of the genus ...
Phylogeographically concordant intraspecific cpDNA divergence in sympatric Nothofagus. How deep can it be?
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2012-01)
Here, we performed phylogenetic analyses and estimated the divergence times on mostly sympatric populations of five species within subgenus Nothofagus. We aimed to investigate whether phylogenetic relationships by nuclear ...