Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 126
Análisis de la expresión de los receptores NOTCH y sus ligandos en monocitos humanos activados con lipopolisacárido bacteriano
(Universidad de Castilla-La ManchaES, 2021)
Notch Signalling Regulates Cytokine Production by CD8+ and CD4+ T Cells
The Notch signalling pathway regulates several aspects of cellular differentiation such as T lineage commitment and effector functions on peripheral T cells; however, there is limited information regarding Notch receptor ...
The Notch system during pubertal development of the bovine mammary gland
(Nature Publishing Group, 2019-06)
The development of the mammary gland of cows during pre-weaning and puberty will condition its future productive capacity and warrants special study. In this respect, Notch signaling regulates tissue development and fate ...
Hypomorphic Notch 3 Alleles Link Notch Signaling to Ischemic Cerebral Small-vessel Disease
(National Academy of SciencesGrupo de Neurociencias de AntioquiaWashington, Estados Unidos, 2023)
Inibição farmacológica da via de sinalização Notch preserva parcialmente as populações de células caliciformes e Paneth no intestino delgado e melhora os aspectos histopatológicos no fígado e pulmão no modelo experimental de toxoplasmose agudaPharmacological inhibition of Notch signaling pathway partially preserves goblet and Paneth cells populations in the small intestine and improves histopathological aspects of liver and lung in an experimental model of acute toxoplasmosis
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas, 2019)
Changes in the regulation of the Notch signaling pathway are temporally correlated with regenerative failure in the mouse cochlea
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2015)
Sensorineural hearing loss is most commonly caused by the death of hair cells in the organ of Corti, and once lost, mammalian hair cells do not regenerate. In contrast, other vertebrates such as birds can regenerate hair ...
Changes in the regulation of the Notch signaling pathway are temporally correlated with regenerative failure in the mouse cochlea
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2015)
Sensorineural hearing loss is most commonly caused by the death of hair cells in the organ of Corti, and once lost, mammalian hair cells do not regenerate. In contrast, other vertebrates such as birds can regenerate hair ...
Changes in the regulation of the Notch signaling pathway are temporally correlated with regenerative failure in the mouse cochlea
(NCBI, 2015)
Sensorineural hearing loss is most commonly caused by the death of hair cells in the organ of Corti, and once lost, mammalian hair cells do not regenerate. In contrast, other vertebrates such as birds can regenerate hair ...