Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1690
Información técnica producción vegetal 2022
(Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela, INTA, 2023-01-21)
Evaluaciones de variedades de trigo pan, Brassica Carinata, girasol, sorgo granífero, maíz y soja, nuevo cultivar de Panicum coloratum var. makarikariense (KARAI INTA), y otros temas de interés reunidos en catorce artículos ...
Bidirectional movement of aphid parasitoids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) between crops and non-crop plants in agroecosystems of central Argentina
(Japan Soc Appl Entomol Zool, 2017-10)
The movement of predators and parasitoidsbetween natural and cultivated habitats is a common processin agroecosystems, which may be afected by diferentbiotic and abiotic factors, mostly related to the availabilityof ...
Bidirectional movement of aphid parasitoids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) between crops and non-crop plants in agroecosystems of central Argentina
The movement of predators and parasitoids between natural and cultivated habitats is a common process in agroecosystems, which may be affected by different biotic and abiotic factors, mostly related to the availability of ...
Características agrometeorológicas relevantes de la actual campaña para el área de influencia del INTA Pergamino
(EEA Pergamino, INTA, 2022-12)
El presente ciclo productivo continúa con características excepcionales por el registro de escasas precipitaciones. Esta condición climática forzada principalmente por la fase “La Niña” del fenómeno ENSO (iri.columbia.edu, ...
Non-traditional oily crops from arid and semiarid regions
(Research Signpost, 2010)
Vegetable oils are widely used in the food and nonfood industries. Many oil-bearing plants are native from the arid and semiarid regions of the world. While several crops originating from such regions have been expanded ...
A moveable feast: insects moving at the forest-crop interface are affected by crop phenology and the amount of forest in the landscape
(Public Library Of Science, 2016-06)
Edges have become prevailing habitats, mainly as a result of habitat fragmentation and agricultural expansion. The interchange of functionally relevant organisms like insects occurs through these edges and can influence ...
Sorption and fate of perchlorate in arid soils
(Soc Brasil Engenharia Agricola, 2019-09-01)
Active optical sensors have been widely used for the spatial and temporal monitoring of peanut culture because they are accurate, non-destructive methods for rapidly obtaining data. The objective of this study was to ...
Multispectral Image Analysis of Remotely Sensed Crops
(ITESO, 2022)
Potential plant–aphid–fungal associations aiding conservation biological control of cereal aphids in Argentina
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-03)
The overall aim of this study was to identify potential associations between aphids and plants as reservoirs of entomophthoralean fungi. A survey of weeds associated with wheat field borders in two different localities ...