Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 388
Efficient solution of nonlinear model predictive control by a restricted enumeration method
(Universidad UTE, 2018)
Report generation from chest X-Rays: analysis of NLP metrics and clinically correct template-based modelGeneración de reportes a partir de radiografías de tórax: análisis de métricas de NLP y modelo basado en templates clínicamente correcto
Every year radiologists face an increasing demand of image-based diagnosis from patients, and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems seem like a promising way to alleviate their workload. In recent years, many authors have ...
Design and operation issues using NLP superstructure modelling
(Elsevier Science Inc., 2006-09)
Till present, models that determined batch plants configurations in the chemical process industry resorted to models with binary variables to represent the different admissible options. This approach allowed representing ...
Transient genome-wide interactions of the master transcription factor NLP7 initiate a rapid nitrogen-response cascade
(Nature Publishing Group, 2020-03-02)
Dynamic reprogramming of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) enables organisms to rapidly respond to environmental perturbation. However, the underlying transient interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and genome-wide ...
Dynamic modelling and optimisation of cryogenic systems
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2007-05)
This work addresses the dynamic optimisation of the cryogenic sector in a large-scale natural gas processing plant. Main attention is focused on rigorous dynamic modelling of countercurrent heat exchangers with phase change ...
Knowledge-based Approach for the Integration of the Planning and Scheduling Decision-making Levels
(AIDIC, 2013-06)
This work aims to integrate the tactical and operational decision making levels. A typical Scheduling mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model has been solved using several demand scenarios. The results have been ...
Data reconciliation and parameter estimation in flux-balance analysis
Flux balance analysis (FBA) has been shown to be a very effective tool to interpret and predict the metabolism of various microorganisms when the set of available measurements is not sufficient to determine the fluxes ...
Utilización de métodos de NLP para obtención de Insights sobre la satisfacción de clientes: del texto al valor
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Ingeniería, 2021-12)
En la era de la digitalización, gran parte de las compañías cuentan con diversos canales para obtener feedback de sus clientes, por lo que analizarlo es de gran importancia para obtener ventajas competitivas, uno de los ...
A Methodological Framework for Creating Large-Scale Corpus for Natural Language Processing Models
(Springer, 2021)
Currently, there is a boom in introducing Machine Learning models to various aspects of everyday life. A relevant field consists of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that seeks to model human language. A key and basic ...