Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 197
Influence of solar radiation on nitrogen recovery by the biomass grown in high rate ponds
(Ecological Engineering, 2018)
Metabolic engineering of ammonium release for nitrogen-fixing multispecies microbial cell-factories
(Elsevier, 2014-03)
The biological nitrogen fixation carried out by some Bacteria and Archaea is one of the most attractive alternatives to synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. In this study we compared the effect of controlling the maximum ...
Biomass content governs fermentation rate in nitrogen-deficient wine musts
Problematic fermentations are common in the wine industry. Assimilable nitrogen deficiency is the most prevalent cause of sluggish fermentations and can reduce fermentation rates significantly. A lack of nitrogen diminishes ...
Herbivory alters plant carbon assimilation, patterns of biomass allocation and nitrogen use efficiency
(Elsevier Masson, 2018-01)
Herbivory can trigger physiological processes resulting in leaf and whole plant functional changes. The effects of chronic infestation by an insect on leaf traits related to carbon and nitrogen economy in three Prunus avium ...
Nitrogen budget in integrated aquaculture systems with Nile tilapia and Amazon River prawn
The present work aims to describe the nitrogen (N) budget in integrated aquaculture systems with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Amazon River prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) in earthen ponds, with and without the ...
Nitrogen and radiation effects during the active spike-growth phase on floret development and biomass partitioning in 2- and 6-rowed barley isolines
(Csiro Publishing, 2010-10)
The paramount importance of accumulated biomass in active-growing spikes over the number of grains per unit area has been well documented. However, it is not clear how different nitrogen (N) and radiation supplies during ...
Dinámica de la absorción y partición de nutrientes en Soja
(Fundación Rómulo Raggio, 2000-12)
Dynamics of nutrient uptake and partition in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) fertilization requires detailed information for the optimization of nutrient management. Sound economic and environmental nutrient management ...