Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 91
Ventilação cruzada e noturna como estratégia de resfriamento passivo em edifício institucional no contexto climático de Brasília/DFCross-ventilation and night ventilation as a passive cooling strategy in institutional building in the climatic context of Brasília/DF
(Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/ UFSC, 2023)
Thermal and lighting behavior of office buildings in Santiago of Chile
Overheating, high cooling energy demand and glare are recurrent problems in office buildings in Santiago. It is necessary to know the influence of different architectural strategies in energy demands to meet thermal comfort ...
Study using a CFD approach of the efficiency of a roof ventilation closure system in a multi-tunnel greenhouse for nighttime microclimate optimization
The thermal efficiency of naturally ventilated greenhouses is limited due to the permanent exchange of air through the vents, especially during the night hours. The objective of the work consisted in evaluating a system ...
Adaptive servoventilation as treatment for central sleep apnea due to high-altitude periodic breathing in nonacclimatized healthy individuals
(Mary Ann Liebert , 2018)
Orr, Jeremy E., Erica C. Heinrich, Matea Djokic, Dillon Gilbertson, Pamela N. Deyoung, Cecilia Anza-Ramirez, Francisco C. Villafuerte, Frank L. Powell, Atul Malhotra, and Tatum Simonson. Adaptive servoventilation as treatment ...
Eficácia da ventilação mecânica noturna para resfriamento
(Florianópolis, SC, 2012)
Efecto de la ventilación natural en el consumo energético de un edificio bioclimático : análisis y estudio mediante energy plusEffect of natural ventilation on the energy consumption of a bioclimatic building : analysis and study through energy plus
(Universidad de Bio Bio, Chile, 2018-06)
El enfriamiento pasivo a través de la ventilación natural presenta un gran potencial para viviendas unifamiliares en climas templados continentales como lo es el de la ciudad de Mendoza, ubicada alcentro oeste de la República ...
Modeling the suitability of the traditional plastic greenhouse for tomato production across Colombian regions
Greenhouse tomato production in Colombia has increased at a rate of 250 t
year-1 in the last decade, but yield has remained constant around 106 t ha-1 year-1. The
main reasons for this trend is that greenhouses used for ...
A CFD approach to assess the effects of different opening combinations in poultry houses
(Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2019)