Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8730
Are 'sensational' news stories more likely to trigger viewers' emotions than non-sensational news stories? A content analysis of British TV news
This article considers whether 'sensational' news stories are intrinsically more likely to elicit emotional responses in audiences than other TV news stories. The research analyses a sample of British televised news in ...
Power structure in Chilean news media
Even democracies endowed with the most active free press struggle to maintain diversity of news coverage. Consolidation and market forces may cause only a few dominant players to control the news cycle. Editorial policies ...
The mechanisms of “incidental news consumption”: An eye tracking study of news interaction on Facebook
This exploratory study examines how participants incidentally consumed news on social media through an eye tracking analysis of their visual interaction with posts on Facebook. By interaction, we refer to the attention ...
Tracking News Stories Using Blockchain to Guarantee their Traceability and Information Analysis
Nowadays, having a mechanism to guarantee the traceability of the information and to monitor the evolution of the news from its origin, and having elements to know the reputation and credibility of the media, analyze the ...
To Share or Not to Share: The influence of news values and topics on popular social media content in the U.S., Brazil, and Argentina.
Audiences play a fundamental role in disseminating and evaluating news content, and one of the big questions facing news organizations is what elements make content viral in the digital environment. This comparative study ...
The Verification of News and the Immediacy's Problem: Coverage Analysis in Chilean Digital Media of a Fake News
The objective of the research was to study the immediacy in the dissemination of news in digital media and its verification process. The text presents a theoretical framework on journalism, how its insertion in the digital ...
Observatório fake news: fontes e recursos informacionais na cena da pós-verdade
This article presents the Observatório Fake News (Fake News Observatory) and its methodology for the development of studies about post-truth, fake news and audited information sources. From a methodological perspective, ...