Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 132
Openness, international champions, and the internationalization of Multilatinas
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2017-06)
In the 1990s Latin American countries abandoned their policies of import-substituting industrialization carried out through fully-owned state enterprises (SOEs). They opened their economies to international competition and ...
Problemas na abordagem das variedades de capitalismo nas economias da América Latina
The Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach has been a powerful and influential analytical instrument of the older literature on comparative capitalism. Initially designed for immediate application in developed capitalist ...
Between illusión and disenchantment: varieties of capitalism in Chile and argentina (1975-2010)
During the last three decades, both Argentina and Chile have experienced capitailistrevolutions 'from above', which have transformed relationships between firms, workers and the state. These transformations have common ...
State capitalism: a comparative study of National Oil Companies (NOCs) between Brazil and China
State capitalism, the statist planning in certain economic sectors, has generated several state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that represent a significant share of activity in the global market. Despite decades of liberalization ...
Divertimentos em Ouro Preto no final do século XIX
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-07-27)
Ouro Preto, the capital of Minas Gerais for 177 years, went through notable transformations over time. The end of the the XIX century was one of these periods, when due to changes that influenced and been influenced by the ...
Conditional Cash Transfers: A New Paradigm for Combating Poverty in Latin America?
(University of Bergen. Comparative Research Programme on Poverty, 2017)
The beginning of this century was characterized in Latin America by the development of a variety of government proposals that fundamentally questioned the neoliberal ideas of the 1990s. These were and are proposals in which ...
(Universidad de Tarapacá<br>Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas<br>Departamento de Antropología, 2010)