Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4361
On the controllability of networks with nonidentical linear nodes
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
Concentric characterization and classification of complex network nodes: Application to an institutional collaboration network
Differently from theoretical scale-free networks, most real networks present multi-scale behavior, with nodes structured in different types of functional groups and communities. While the majority of approaches for ...
Self-optimization of dense wireless sensor networks based on simulated annealing
Wireless sensor network (WSN) Is a technology that can be used to monitor and actuate on environments in a non-intrusive way. The main difference from WSN and traditional sensor networks is the low dependability of WSN ...
Design of efficient node p-cycles in WDM mesh networks
(Elsevier, 2016-04)
On data-centric misbehavior detection in VANETs
Detecting misbehavior (such as transmissions of false information) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a very important problem with wide range of implications, including safety related and congestion avoidance ...
On data-centric misbehavior detection in VANETs
Detecting misbehavior (such as transmissions of false information) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a very important problem with wide range of implications, including safety related and congestion avoidance ...
Anatomical and clinical aspects of the blood supply of the sinoatrial node
(Associação Médica Brasileira, 1998-03-01)
BACKGROUND: The recent study of the variations of the origin of the sinoatrial node and on the arterial network of the perinodal sinusal area in normal hearts points out the importance of this network. PURPOSE: Report on ...
Communication structure of cortical networks
Large-scale cortical networks exhibit characteristic topological properties that shape communication between brain regions and global cortical dynamics. Analysis of complex networks allows the description of connectedness, ...
QK-Means: A clustering technique based on community detection and K-Means for deployment of cluster head nodes
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a special kind of ad-hoc networks that is usually deployed in a monitoring field in order to detect some physical phenomenon. Due to the low dependability of individual nodes, small radio ...
QK-Means: A clustering technique based on community detection and K-Means for deployment of cluster head nodes
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a special kind of ad-hoc networks that is usually deployed in a monitoring field in order to detect some physical phenomenon. Due to the low dependability of individual nodes, small radio ...