Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2024
Influence of the chinese culture on the negotiation process Peru-China
(SpringerCH, 2020-12-16)
This research is an intercultural study conducted with a deductive approach by generating theory-based questions derived from the socio-cultural framework of the Chinese business negotiation process, to be proved ...
The influence of culture on negotiation styles of Brazilian executives
Culture profoundly influences how people think, communicate, and behave. Successful cross-cultural negotiations require an understanding of the negotiation style of those on the other side of the table, and the acceptance ...
Towards a Working Definition of Negotiation in Telecollaboration: Analysis of Teletandem Oral Sessions1
(Univ Distrital Francisco Jose De Caldas, 2022-07-01)
As digital technology advances, geographically distant learners have been engaging in cross-cultural communication and negotiation via telecollaborative projects. Research has shown that negotiation of meaning is crucial ...
Características de la Cultura Negociadora del AMCO de Risaralda
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2021)
En la actualidad, la globalización ha permitido una mayor conexión en el mundo, lo cual facilita la realización de negociaciones de forma internacional. El Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente (AMCO) se ha visto inmersa en ...
Matriz de negociações complexas: negociando com chineses em época de crise
O presente trabalho irá traçar um perfil dos negociadores chineses à luz de relatos de casos de negociações que ocorreram no mês de outubro de 2008, entre um grande importador de manufaturados brasileiro que chamaremos de ...
Características de la cultura china en las negociaciones internacionales según la perspectiva del negociador peruano – Lima, 2023
(Universidad Privada del NortePE, 2023-10-15)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene un prisma transcultural de enfoque cualitativo, descriptivo, no experimental, cuyo objetivo es analizar las características de la Cultura China en las Negociaciones Internacionales ...
La cultura negociadora en el Perú: un estudio exploratorio
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2008-12-30)
This is a qualitative study about how to conduct business in Peru. It is based on 47 semi-structured questionnaires on pointed negotiation experiences in which a Peruvian side was involved. The information was classified ...
La cultura negociadora en el Perú: un estudio exploratorio
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2008-12-30)
This is a qualitative study about how to conduct business in Peru. It is based on 47 semi-structured questionnaires on pointed negotiation experiences in which a Peruvian side was involved. The information was classified ...