Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1820
Recent Developments and Challenges for Nanoscale Formulation of Botanical Pesticides for Use in Sustainable Agriculture
In recent years, the use of substances of natural origin, such as botanical pesticides, has emerged as a preferred alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides, the excessive use of which has raised a lot of concern over ...
Nano-pesticides: the lunch-box principle—deadly goodies (semio-chemical functionalised nanoparticles that deliver pesticide only to target species)
Nature contains many examples of “fake promises” to attract “prey”, e.g., predatory spiders that emit the same sex-attractant-signals as moths to catch them at close range and male spiders that make empty silk-wrapped gifts ...
Interaction of pesticides with natural and synthetic solids. Evaluation in dynamic and equilibrium conditions
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018-03)
Interactions between pesticides (paraquat, glyphosate, 2,4-D, atrazine, and metsulfuron methyl) and soil organic and inorganic components have been studied in batch experiments by performing adsorption, dissolution, and ...
Spatial and temporal trends and flow dynamics of glyphosate and other pesticides within an agricultural watershed in Argentina
(Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2017-12)
In the present study, we evaluated the spatial and temporal trends of current-use pesticides in surface water and sediments as well as their relationship with hydrological stream dynamics within the agricultural watershed ...
(Soc Brasileira Quimica, 2018-04-01)
In this work, nanocomposites formed from the natural polymer carboxymethylcellulose in combination with the polyacrylamide polymer and zeolite were obtained and characterized in relation to pesticide sorption capability. ...
Susceptibility of Chordodes nobilii (Gordiida, Nematomorpha) to three pesticides: Influence of the water used for dilution on endpoints in an ecotoxicity bioassay
(Elsevier, 2018-11)
The increased use of pesticides during recent years necessitates a reevaluation of the effect of those compounds by extending the range of nontarget species commonly used in risk assessment. In the present work, we thus ...
Pesticides in the real world: The consequences of GMO-based intensive agriculture on native amphibians.
(Elsevier, 2019-12)
Pesticide use has been suggested as one of the major drivers of the global amphibian decline. Laboratory andmesocosm studies have addressed several questions to understand the mechanism by which pesticides causedetrimental ...
Pesticide increases transgenerational cost of inducible defenses in a freshwater rotifer
In addition to natural stressors such as predation risk, aquatic organisms receive the simultaneous impact of anthropogenic stressors like pollution. In order to advance our understanding of multiple stressor effects, we ...
Organochlorine Pesticides in the Ferruginous Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium brasilianum) in Chiapas, Mexico
Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides were quantified in samples of feathers (n = 17) and blood (n = 15) of the ferruginous pygmy owl (Glaucidium brasilianum). The individuals were captured near the Protected Natural ...