Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 646
Impact of natural gas storage on natural gas prices an empirical analysis of the Western European gas marke
(Universidad de Chile, 2015-12)
This paper examines the effect of natural gas storage on natural gas prices. Using a
comprehensive dataset containing daily data for the period 2010-2014 we estimate two
specifications for the Dutch, German and British ...
Simulação de reservatórios não convencionais para armazenamento de gás natural veicular
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia MecânicaTecnologia de Materiais; Projetos Mecânicos; Termociências, 2004-06-04)
The investigation of viability to use containers for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) storage, with different geometries of commercial standards, come from necessity to join the ambient, financial and technological benefits offered ...
Simulación de sistemas para la optimización del almacenamiento y despacho de los productos de gas natural
(Universidad de LimaPE, 2009)
Tras el hallazgo del yacimiento de Camisea, con 13 TPC de reservas de gas natural y 480 millones de barriles de líquidos asociados, surgió la necesidad de contar con plantas para procesar dichos hidrocarburos en forma ...
What drives natural prices at European hubs?
(Universidad de Chile, 2015-12)
This paper analyses the development of spot market gas prices at the TTF gas hub from 2011 – 2014. The long run link of the gas price with the prices of the energy commodities crude oil and coal is evaluated with the ...
Adsorption of Methane in porous materials as the basis for the storage of Natural Gas
(IntechOpen, 2010)
It is well known that the natural gas (NG) is a substance of fossil origin from the decomposition of organic matter. It is found trapped under the terrestrial surface in stratus that avoid the natural release to atmosphere. ...
Optimization analysis for hydro pumped storage and natural gas accumulation technologies in the Argentine Energy System
(Elsevier Science, 2020-10)
Globally, there is a growing interest in energy storage systems technologies due to the effects they have on electric power systems. In this field, this paper presents a novel mathematical model that assets an objective ...
Integrated operational planning of hydrothermal power and natural gas systems with large scale storages
(Springer Heidelberg, 2017-05)
The growing installation of natural gas fired power plants has increased the integration of natural gas and electricity sectors. This has driven the need investigate the interactions among them and to optimize energy ...
Diseño de un plan estratégico de contingencia para almacenamiento subterráneo de gas natural en el municipio de Zipaquirá, departamento de Cundinamarca como plan decenal 2021-2031.
(Fundación Universidad de América, 2021-08-06)
El gas natural es una de las fuentes de energía con mayor importancia a nivel mundial, su almacenamiento es uno de los factores más importantes para asegurar la disponibilidad para su consumo. Colombia no cuenta actualmente ...