Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 129
Landslide Hazard and Risk Zonation Mapping in the Río Grande Basin, Central Andes of Mendoza, Argentina
(Mountain Research & Development, 2002-05)
This paper presents an inventory of landslides and hazard and risk zonation mapping along the Río Grande basin in the Central Andes of Mendoza. The mapping was based on field work combined with interpretation of aerial ...
Conservación de la avifauna de Entre Ríos (Argentina): uso de métodos biogeográficos y de optimización para evaluar la efectividad de las áreas protegidas
En la provincia de Entre Ríos, el avance de la frontera agrícola y la urbanización han reemplazado a los hábitats naturales. Las áreas protegidas (APs) cumplen una importante función conservando la biodiversidad, aunque ...
Zoneamento do parque ecológico de ourinhos SP
The aim of this study was to carry out a zoning in the municipal ecological park of Ourinhos, SP, located southwest of São Paulo State, aiming to subsidize the planning and management of this area. With this purpose it was ...
Zoneamento do parque ecológico de ourinhos SP
The aim of this study was to carry out a zoning in the municipal ecological park of Ourinhos, SP, located southwest of São Paulo State, aiming to subsidize the planning and management of this area. With this purpose it was ...
Seismic and geomorphic assessment for coseismic landslides zonation in tropical volcanic contexts
The Poás volcano is an active volcano of Costa Rica with intense tectonic activity in its
flanks. Historically, the volcano has presented strong, surficial earthquakes provoking
many landslides with associated casualties ...
Biogeografia e conservação de anfíbios anuros da Mata Atlântica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-05-28)
A biota global está distribuída de forma não aleatória no espaço, formando padrões de distribuição geográfica. Um dos processos que explica essas distribuições é a vicariância, que fragmenta a distribuição geográfica de ...
Along- and across-shore components of the spatial distribution of the clam Tivela mactroides (Born, 1778) (Bivalvia, Veneridae)
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2005)
The Zonation and Density of the Macromolluscs Living in the Mangrove Swamps of the Sand Barrier of El Mogote, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
(The Festivus, 2011)
On the eastern coast of Baja California Sur, a qualitative and quantitative seasonal study of the faunal community associated with the submerged roots of the red mangrove was taken by sampling 5 roots from different areas ...