Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 47
Debates on the narcissism conundrum: Trait, domain, dimension, type, or disorder?
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2012)
The clinical implications of the term narcissism are a matter of continuous debate. This article critically examines pertinent literature of the last 12 years using a set of validators and attempting to identify narcissism ...
O narcisismo na perspectiva de Otto Kernberg
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilICH – Instituto de Ciências HumanasPrograma de Pós-graduação em PsicologiaUFJF, 2021)
Estudio empírico del trastorno narcisista de la personalidad (TNP).
(Universidad Católica de Colombia, 2008-07-01)
La investigación pretende profundizar en la descripción y evaluación del Trastorno Narcisista de la Personalidad (TNP). En primer lugar, se define el TNP según cuatro rasgos: autoimagen distorsionada; falta de empatía, ...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorder - Evidence from the British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity 2000
(Springer, 2006-11-01)
Background Previous studies indicate that most individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have comorbid personality disorders (PDs), particularly from the anxious cluster. However, the nature and strength of this ...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorder - Evidence from the British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity 2000
(Springer, 2006-11-01)
Background Previous studies indicate that most individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have comorbid personality disorders (PDs), particularly from the anxious cluster. However, the nature and strength of this ...
Estudio empírico del trastorno narcisista de la personalidad (TNP)
(Universidad Católica de Colombia. Facultad de Psicología, 2008-12)
La investigación pretende profundizar en la descripción y evaluación del Trastorno Narcisista de la Personalidad (TNP). En primer lugar, se define el TNP según cuatro rasgos: autoimagen distorsionada; falta de empatía, ...
Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorders. A Brazilian controlled study
The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of personality disorders (PDs) in 40 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (DSM-III-R criteria) from the Medical School of Botucatu (UNESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. It ...
Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive disorder and personality disorders. A Brazilian controlled study
The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of personality disorders (PDs) in 40 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (DSM-III-R criteria) from the Medical School of Botucatu (UNESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. It ...