Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 59
ErbB-2 nuclear function in breast cancer growth, metastasis and resistance to therapy
(BioScientifica, 2016-10)
Approximately 15-20% of breast cancers (BC) show either membrane overexpression of ErbB-2 (MErbB-2), a member of the ErbBs family of receptor tyrosine kinases, or ERBB2 gene amplification. Until the development of ...
Nuclear ErbB-2: A Novel Therapeutic Target in ErbB-2-Positive Breast Cancer?
(Springer, 2019-01)
Membrane overexpression of ErbB-2 (MErbB-2), a member of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases, occurs in 15– 20% of breast cancers (BC) and constitutes a therapeutic target in this BC subtype (ErbB-2-positive). ...
Targeting ErbB-2 nuclear localization and function inhibits breast cancer growth and overcomes trastuzumab resistance
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015-06)
Membrane overexpression of ErbB-2/HER2 receptor tyrosine kinase (membrane ErbB-2 (MErbB-2)) has a critical role in breast cancer (BC). We and others have also shown the role of nuclear ErbB-2 (NErbB-2) in BC, whose presence ...
Efectos nucleares del receptor Tirosina Quinasa ErbB-2 en cáncer de mama
(Ediciones Médicas del Sur, 2017-08)
Aproximadamente 15-20% de los cánceres de mama (CM) presentan sobre- expresiónen la membrana citoplasmáticade ErbB-2 (MErbB-2), un miembro de la familia ErbBs de receptores con actividad de tirosina quinasa, o bien presentan ...
Definición de una nueva clase de complejo transcripcional: ErbB2 actúa de coactivador de Stat3 promoviendo la proliferación en tumores mamariosDefining a new class of transcriptional complex: ErbB2 acts as coactivator of Stat3 inducing proliferation in breast tumors
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2010)
Progesterone Receptor Induces ErbB-2 Nuclear Translocation To Promote Breast Cancer Growth via a Novel Transcriptional Effect: ErbB-2 Function as a Coactivator of Stat3
(American Society For Microbiology, 2010-12)
Progesterone receptor (PR) and ErbB-2 bidirectional cross talk participates in breast cancer development. Here, we identified a new mechanism of the PR and ErbB-2 interaction involving the PR induction of ErbB-2 nuclear ...
Stat3 regulates ErbB-2 expression and co-opts ErbB-2 nuclear function to induce miR-21 expression, PDCD4 downregulation and breast cancer metastasis
(Nature Publishing Group, 2015)
Membrane overexpression of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB-2 (MErbB-2) accounts for a clinically aggressive breast cancer (BC) subtype (ErbB-2-positive) with increased incidence of metastases. We and others demonstrated ...
Estudio de la implicación del oncogen HER2/neu en tumores sólidos
El carcinoma de células renales (CCR) representa el 3% de los tumores del Adulto y el 95% de las neoplasias malignas del riñón. Aproximadamente al 30% de los pacientes que se les practica la resección quirúrgica, desarrollan ...