Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
An investigation on the nondetection zones of synchronous distributed generation anti-islanding protection
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2008)
Nondetection Index of Anti-Islanding Passive Protection of Synchronous Distributed Generators
Synchronous distributed generators are prone to operate islanded after contingencies, which is usually not allowed due to safety and power-quality issues. Thus, there are several anti-islanding techniques; however, most ...
Nondetection Index of Anti-Islanding Passive Protection of Synchronous Distributed Generators
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscataway, 2012)
Dynamic Non-Detection Zones of Positive Feedback Anti-Islanding Methods for Inverter-Based Distributed Generators
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2011)
Power imbalance application region method for distributed synchronous generator anti-islanding protection design and evaluation
This paper presents a novel graphical approach to adjust and evaluate frequency-based relays employed in anti-islanding protection schemes of distributed synchronous generators, in order to meet the anti-islanding and ...
Impact of DG interface controls on the sandia frequency shift antiislanding method
(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers IncPiscatawayEUA, 2007)
A Practical Method For Nondetection Zone Estimation Of Passive Anti-islanding Schemes Applied To Synchronous Distributed Generators
Impacto do controle de potência reativa e tensão na detecção de ilhamento em gerações distribuídas
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaCentro de Tecnologia, 2022-08-29)
The growing use of distributed generation create challenges to overcome in distribution
networks. Among these problems are unintentional islanding and voltage profile change by
the insertion of distributed generators. ...
Condições ambientais do estuário do Rio Formoso (Tamandaré/Pernambuco/Brasil): biomassa fitoplanctônica e hidrologia
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Oceanografia, 2016)
Análise de métodos anti-ilhamento ativos para sistemas fotovoltaicos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-02-17)
A ampliação dos sistemas de geração distribuída no país traz alguns problemas que devem ser sanados e dentre eles, um de suma importância é o ilhamento. Por motivo de segurança, os sistemas de geração distribuída devem ...